A Complete Audio Over IP Distribution System Solution by ABAS.

Audio over IP is the distribution of digital audio across an IP network, such as the local networks (LAN) or the Internet. It is being used increasingly to provide high-quality audio feeds over long distances.

Simply put, audio over IP systems allow you to transmit multiple uncompressed digital audio signals over ethernet (Cat5/Cat6) cables, with minimal latency and in a cost effective way – in comparison to traditional audio distribution systems – achieving also high quality sound reproduction up to  44.1kHz.

ABAS is the exclusive representative for Greece of TEMA TELECOMUNICAZIONI which is based in Milan, Italy. TEMA has been a leading manufacturer for over 30 years in the Audio Over IP sector, with ISO 9001 quality certification and emphasis on continuous research for the development of new technologies in the field.

Εφαρμογές Συστήματος Μετάδοσης Ήχου μέσω Δικτύου IP

Ένα Σύστημα Audio Over IP διαθέτει πληθώρα εφαρμογών και μπορεί να εγκατασταθεί σε μέρη όπως εμπορικές εγκαταστάσεις, γραφεία, δημόσια κτίρια, λιμάνια, σταθμούς τρένων, ξενοδοχεία, αεροδρόμια, σχολεία, εργοστάσια, νοσοκομεία.

Το σύστημα εξυπηρετεί την ανάγκη κατανομής ήχου στα παρακάτω σημεία:

  • Σύστημα Μετάδοσης Ήχου μέσω δικτύου IP είτε εντός του ίδιου τοπικού δικτύου LAN ή μέσω Internet WAN σε κάποιο απομακρυσμένο χώρο.
  • Μετάδοση διαφημίσεων και μουσικής εντός καταστημάτων.
  • Πολυζωνική διανομή ήχου για εγκαταστάσεις χωρίς την ανάγκη για νέες καλωδιώσεις, με χρήση μόνο των υφιστάμενων καλωδιώσεων δικτύου.
  • Συστήματα αγγελιών και αναζήτησης προσωπικού.
  • Συστήματα παρακολούθησης όταν εντοπίζεται ύποπτη δραστηριότητα για την πραγματοποίηση αναγγελίας από οποιοδήποτε σημείο.
  • Γενικές εφαρμογές Συστημάτων Μετάδοσης Ήχου μέσω δικτύου IP.


Audio Over IP System Components

ABAS and TEMA Audio Over IP system can consist of:

IP / SIP network speakers of all types such as horns, suspended ceiling and wall-mounted speakers, projectors and special-purpose speakers.

Network IP / SIP audio encoders and decoders for converting existing analog audio systems to IP and direct connection to IP / SIP call centers.

Microphone consoles that work with TEMA software to deliver announcements and broadcast music in multiple zones.

Central management software for big systems for health monitoring, updates, configurations, audio playback, zones selection, etc.


Audio over IP System Benefits

Beyond cost effectiveness, however, Audio over IP System offers other important benefits, including:

  • Scalability (the ability to easily accommodate growth and other configuration changes)
  • Convenience (easy and fast installation with smartphone app for managing and making announcements from any IP/SIP telephone device).
  • Reliability (TEMA systems are built for continuous operation 24/7 – 365 days a year)
  • Tight integration with Voice over IP (VoIP) phone systems, IP codecs, and PC-based applications.
  • Two-way communication (IP network speakers have a built-in microphone that allows two-way communication after an IP / SIP phone call)
  • “Future-proofing” (high likelihood of fitting well into any scenario for future facility requirements).
  • Easy audio distribution (to inaccessible locations such as far reached villages, settlements and facilities.  
  • High quality audio (Play audio in formats up to the highest 44.1KHz CD music quality)

Putting all these elements together creates a value proposition that is hard to ignore and makes audio over IP an ideal candidate, whether you are designing a new system or completely upgrading an existing audio installation.

Technical Features

Audio over IP system Technical Features

 All Audio over IP devices of TEMA TELECOMUNICAZIONI provide advanced technical features such as:

  • Built-in SIP client for integration with IP-PBX call centers.
  • TEMA devices are manufactured for continuous 24/7 operation. All systems have PoE technology and all outdoor speakers have IP65 humidity certification.
  • Server-less operation, there is no need for a central server with a special software for the system to operate, so there is no single point of failure.
  • Ability to manage multiple devices with central software for health monitoring, updates, configurations, etc.
  • Prerecorded audio messages transmission through time scheduler or dry contacts trigger
  • Operation also through iOS / Android app.
  • Audio transmission is possible from microphones, music sources, paging consoles with zones selection, PC software, SIP, etc.
  • Audio over IP technology has no limitation and gives excellent results from the smallest system to a system with over 1.000 terminals.

Why Choose ABAS

Our 40-year experience and expertise, partnered with technical support teams and the use of cutting edge technology, guarantees that ABAS will provide you with reliable systems and products that can meet all the requirements of the largest and most complex projects.

ABAS, alongside its fully dedicated and specialized department will take over and carry out your project from A to Z. Our team will design the system, supply, install and configure the products and commit to constant after sales support in order to give you the ideal solution, tailor-made to your specific type of business and budget our team. Always taking into consideration the unique characteristics of each system, ABAS will provide excellent results wherever needed.