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Supply & Installation

Our company exclusively represents leading European and American manufacturers of Audio, Visual and Smart Automations systems, whose products have been proven to be state of the art, high quality, long lasting and have great value for money.

Due to the uniqueness of each project, except from its exclusive partners, ABAS also has strategic partnerships with most top manufacturers, and can supply and install almost any system a client desires.

ABAS has a team of trained engineers who install systems all over Greece and Europe. Our team regularly receives outstanding feedback for their willingness to deliver all projects in 100% trouble free operation and for the respect they show towards our clients.

At ABAS, we are certified for our services according to ISO 9001.

How Can We Help You?

At ABAS, our 40-year experience and expertise have helped us to strongly position and establish our company, in the audiovisual industry, as the market’s leading professional integrators./span>

Looking for a First-Class Systems Integrator in Greece?

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